Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

My To Be Read Pile Autumn 2023 Edition

Happy autumn! At the time of writing this post we are experiencing record sunny temperatures here in the UK. But I am waiting for my favourite time of year. It's the time of year when it is ok to have as many fairy lights twinkling, pumpkin spice lattes, snuggling under blankets, hot chocolates and watching nature put on its best show of vivid oranges and reds.

It's also the time of year when I put together my list sharing what is on my To Be Read pile. It might be next week, it might be next month but these are books I have picked up, been given, found and can't wait to read! In case you have missed any of the previous editions the are listed below:

Read about My To Be Read Pile 2021

Read about My To Be Read Pile Autumn 2021

My To Be Read Pile 2022

My To Be Read Pile Autumn edition 2022

Classics (4 Books)

Crime (13 Books)

Fiction (2 Books)

Children's Books (2 Books)

The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman - The final book in the His Dark Materials Series. I'd better hurry up and read this as will have forgotten what happened in the first two.

The House at World's End by Monica Dickens - the next in our Village Classics Book Group and much beloved by dear Sarah who kindly wrote a post about the group on the blog.

Non-Fiction (1 Book)

  • Diary of a CEO by Stephen Bartlett - This was the biggest impulse purchase of all. I heard him on the Zoe Ball Breakfast Show, screeched into Waterstones and bought it immediately.

And that my dears is the lot! 26 books. Modest compared to some years. I will be back on Tuesday with one of the books from the list. In the meantime have a great weekend.