My To Be Read Pile Autumn 2022 Edition
Marking the seasons brings a sense of calmness. We've enjoyed the hazy, lazy days of summer which brought heatwaves and days spent relaxing by the sea. Now is the time for Autumn, probably my favourite season. Autumn is all about cosiness, candles and good cups of tea. I love nestling down for the evening, closing the blinds, and switching on the twinkly lights. The combines have harvested the golden wheat fields, the children are getting ready to go back to school clothed in uniforms too big and there is the hint of a nip in the air and smoky bonfires.
This Autumn sees us embarking on a very special project namely our new built in book shelves. I can't wait. Our Billy bookcases will carry on serving us upstairs, but now our living room will be even cosier. And reorganising those books - you'd better know I'm excited!!! Which all in all brings us very nicely to my new To Be Read Pile. It is rather enormous. I'm going to divide them into genre and hopefully over the next 6 months read rather a lot of them. Shall we get stuck in?
Crime (14 Books)
- Tiger in the Smoke by Margery Allingham - I've read so many short stories by this author in the wonderful British Crime Classics series, I knew I had to read more.
- The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie - Classic Christie, considered one of her best.
- The Big Four by Agatha Christie - More classic Christie
- One by One by Ruth Ware - Had this on my To Be Read Pile for sometime
- Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse - Can't think of this without humming the Metallica song
- Nine Lives by Peter Swanson - became a teeny bit obsessed with this author a while back.
- Murder After Christmas by Rupert Latimer - Christmas can be a stressful time for some families....in this case they appear to have murdered theirs.
- The Cornish Coast Murder by John Bude - Holidays can be a stressful time for some families....especially after Christmas
- The Twyford Code by Janice Hallett - Latest book from The Appeal author
- The Heron's Cry by Ann Cleeves - Follow up to the excellent Long Call
- Holy Island by L.J.Ross - First in a new series to me. I have a friend over on Instagram who absolutely adores these books.
- The Readers' Room by Antoine Laurain - A set of murders set around a publishing house in Paris. What is not to love?
- The Locked Room by Elly Griffiths - The latest in the Dr Ruth Galloway. Love Cathbad.
- One of the Girls by Lucy Clarke - This snuck in by the skin of its teeth! Having enjoyed The Castaways, I spotted this in Sainsbury's and decided to treat myself, because well I haven't obviously got enough books. ahem
- The Bullet that Missed by Richard Osman - The Thursday Murder Club are back!
Children's Books (3 Books)
- The Spell Tailors by James Nicol - I'm so excited to be attending the book launch by the very excellent James Nicol, one of my bookselling chums!
- Tales of Long Ago by Enid Blyton - Treated myself to this book from my childhood.
- Moonfleet by J.Meade Falkner - Reading this as part of our children's classics month.
Classics (9 Books)
- Emma by Jane Austen - Shares the dubious honour of being the book that has sat the longest on my To Be Read Pile.
- The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde - Was delighted when our Classics Reading group chose this 49 page long book.
- Penguin Book of Christmas Stories ed. by Jessica Harrison - Beautiful edition of short stories.
- Hard Times by Charles Dickens - One of many Dickens books I am looking forward to reading
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens - will be donning my wedding dress to read this
- The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens - Because you can never have too many Dickens
- David Copperfield by Charles Dickens - Dickens autobiography of the world famous magician...oh no wait.
- The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - Used to hold the title for most atmospheric cover in my humble opinion.
- Dracula by Bram Stoker - I've reviewed this before on the blog, but was bought the most beautiful edition by my good friend Dannie....who adores Whitby
Fiction (15 Books to read)
- I Wish it Could by Christmas Everyday by Milly Johnson - Who doesn't?
- People Person by Candice Carty-Williams - Loved Queenie, can't wait to read this.
- Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens - My wonderful husband bought me this, we went to see the movie and it was magical
- Mrs England by Stacey Halls - My Autumn tradition seems to be to read a Stacey Halls novel. We used to have a neighbour called Mrs England. She was obsessed with bins.
- The Christmas Escape by Sarah Morgan - Last year's Christmas offering from an author I am very fond of.
- Underneath the Christmas Tree by Heidi Swain - Another author I'm very fond of, and yes another Christmas Book
- Winter Solstice by Elin Hildebrand - The final chapter of a series that has previously featured in my #12booksofchristmas
- Village Diary by Miss Read - it has been too long since I read a Miss Read
- The Christmas Mouse by Miss Read - I'd better read two Miss Read novels to make up then.
- Celebrations at the Chateau by Jo Thomas - How many Christmas books is too much?
- Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons - Seriously? I'm asking for a friend.
- Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus - Reading this at the moment and loving it.
- Storm in the Village by Miss Read - 3rd book in the Fairacre series of novels. This is all kinds of cosy reading to me.
- Bane by Joe Donnelly - I've decided this will be my Halloween read for the year. I am preparing to have my spine tingled.
- Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid - No Taylor Jenkins Reid is Back!
And that is the lot, all that is on my To Be Read pile. Can't wait for Autumn and all of that lovely reading!