Lord Edgware Dies by Agatha Christie
I genuinely did not start out my year deciding to read the Hercule Poirot books in order, it sort of just happened that way. This is the 9th book to feature our wonderful Belgian friend and even better Hastings is back. The books can be read as standalone novels, but I am enjoying the reading of them.
Read my review of The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Life has been busy, and like many others at this time of year we are going into lots of lovely events. Halloween saw lots of visits from a range of ghosts and ghouls. The village bonfire took place which is a lovely, community event and soon it will be our village Panto. This year it is Aladdin, and I am on props duty. My lovely husband is moving scenery and a massive spotlight and we have family coming to watch the performance. November is fun!
Reading wise, I have found 6 of my #12booksof christmas and am in no way panicking I won't be ready in time. Eek! I'm reading 2 self-help books which are inspirational but slightly contradictory and I am debating when is best to put up those Christmas decorations, having already been asked by my sister if the 1st November is too soon. (It is!) On with the review!!!
The Plot
Poirot had been present when Jane bragged of her plan to 'get rid' of her estranged husband. Now the monstrous man is dead. And yet the great Belgian detective can't help feeling that he is being taken for a ride.
After all, how could Jane have stabbed Lord Edgware to death in his library at exactly the same time she was seen dining with friends? And what could be her motive now that the aristocrat had finally granted her a divorce?
My Thoughts
Well this was twisty turny book indeed! As a rule, I am normally useless at guessing the murderer. Believe me when I say I am more Inspector Clouseau than Hercule Poirot and those criminals would NOT be quaking in their boots if I was investigating. But the last couple of Christie reads had me guessing correctly. I was on a roll, or so I thought. I did not have a scooby how the murder was committed and by whom. Even to the last few pages. I love a book that keeps me guessing.
It is lovely to have Hastings back! Hastings is now married, and while a pretty lady seems to make him lose all sensibility, he continues to be a wonderful foil to Poirot whilst being just as bad as yours truly in guessing the murderer. Hastings, I always feel, brings the heart. Whilst Poirot is kind, he is so pernickety that you look on him as slightly frustrating but still likeable. It is this preciseness though that solves those murders!
The plot is brilliant, an actress publicly wishes her cruel husband dead, and he is found murdered shortly after, his estranged wife at a dinner party witnessed by numerous people. Throw in missing letters, a pince-nez, a clever female impersonator and you have the perfect blend of another Christie classic.
Whilst this was not my favourite of the books so far, we see Poirot growing into his role, the crimes becoming more complicated, and Christie's ingenuity becoming established. I very much enjoyed this. Next up will be Murder on the Orient Express, a classic. I can't wait!