Affairs at Thrush Green by Miss Read
July's title in the #MissReadReadalong certainly came around quickly and continues the story of our beloved characters who live in the Cotswold village of Thrush Green. As the year has progressed, I'm already noticing themes emerging in Miss Read's writing.
Just a reminder about the challenge. I am reading one Thrush Green novel a month throughout the year. I've put the previous month's reviews below.
- Read January's Pick
- Read February's Pick
- Read March's Pick
- Read April's Pick
- Read May's Pick
- Read June's Pick
Plot (From the Back of the Book)
The well loved residents of Thrush Green return in another slice of village life.
Charles Henstock, rector of Thrush Green has difficulty living up to his predecessor when he moves to the Parish of Lulling. He faces opposition from the fearsome Mrs Thurgood and her arty daughter Janet.
Everyone in the district seems to be having their share of problems, not least Albert Piggott, who dreads the return of his wife Nelly.
Meanwhile Kit Armitage returns to set elderly hearts fluttering. Could there be wedding bells in Thrush Green?
My Thoughts
As I said in my introduction, I'm starting to notice themes emerge which punctuate the story throughout. In one previous novel, it was the importance of a restorative cup of tea. In this book the theme is definitely the healing power and meditative qualities of nature. Indeed the novel starts with almost a meditation on the beauty of nature. Charles Henstock ruminates over his matters of concern during a walk on a blustery day. It is here that Miss Read's love for the country truly shines. And while this theme bubbles under the surface throughout her novels, I particularly noticed it in Affairs at Thrush Green.
As ever, our most beloved characters are back - Dotty, Winnie, Charles and Dimity, Ell, Harold and Isobel and the fabulous Havelock sisters.
There is also a sense of twilight, and the end of a day. On meeting the object of her affections when she was a young woman, Violet Havelock realises how much older she has become. And how the promise of youth has faded somewhat. Dotty is also slowing down. It feels bittersweet, touching and gently written.
I am still loving my year in Thrush Green. The novels remain comforting and a soothing balm for when I need it most. I already can't wait for August's choice which will be At Home in Thrush Green.
I will be back on Tuesday with my wrap up of July's reading. It has been a busy month so far I can tell you!