The Cupid Effect by Dorothy Koomson

The Cupid Effect by Dorothy Koomson

Have you ever met someone, for example a new colleague or a friend of a friend and think instantly 'Oh I do like you!'. There is no rhyme or reason to this, you probably had no more than 5 words with them, but there is something deep within that connects and you just KNOW you want to learn more about that person. This is how I feel about this book and author. I have never read any Dorothy Koomson novels before, but I remember filing them on bookshelves and they always had the most bright coloured covers that screamed summer.

After watching an episode of Oprah, Ceri decides to leave her job in London, rent out her flat and move to Leeds to become a psychology lecturer. She makes new friends but somehow always seems to end up embroiled in their love lives and offering advice. Her own love life is non-existent, apart from her passion for the TV show 'Angel'. And then there is this handsome man who keeps staring at her for no reason at all.

I really enjoyed this novel. Dorothy Koomson has a warm, friendly and chatty style. Ceri is a very engaging lead character and I loved her flatmates Jake and Ed. The best part was how Ceri applies her understanding of psychology to the car crash love lives of her friends. There was definitely an element that what a person thinks they know may not actually be what you necessarily want and Ceri also asks some pretty tough questions. The couple that had an affair with each other and proclaim their undying love whilst not actually leaving their partners yet are asked the question 'so why are you not together properly yet?'. It read part like marriage guidance along with a dose of know thyself and provides a rare glimpse into the psychology of life and love.

This is Dorothy Koomson's first novel and she calls this her favourite. I thought it was good fun with a serious undertone. Plus Ceri has a serious 'Angel' obsession and frankly what is there not to love about a 250 year old tortured Vampire with great hair. So to go back to my opening paragraph, I think I would have met Ceri and instantly liked her. The novel felt like I was chatting with Ceri over a coffee and cake and I love this easy style.

It is a very likeable book with an engaging main character. The book certainly deserves to have those beautiful sunny covers and to be taken on holiday and enjoyed. I'll definitely be reading more novels by this author in the future.