Book Chat #2 - Motorbikes

Book Chat #2 - Motorbikes

When I turned 30 years old, I decided to celebrate by taking the first part of my Motorbike test. I dutifully turned up, drove round the streets of Leeds on my 125cc bike with a group of 16 year olds taking their moped tests at the same time and I loved it. The 16 year olds were sweet and I was told that they thought I was cool for doing my test 'at my age!'. I mean c'mon guys! But I'll never forget that experience or the feel of opening up the engine and laughing like a madwoman because 50mph feels like you are travelling at the speed of light.

With this in mind, and given that a few of us are probably craving a holiday at the moment, I thought I would put together a list of my favourite motorbike based travel biographies. So suit up, put on the Easy Rider soundtrack and away we go. Remember you ARE born to be wild. etc.....

Good Vibrations: Coast to Coast by Harley by Tom Cunliffe

Tom Cunliffe and his wife Roz, travel to the USA for 3 months and travel from Baltimore to San Francisco and back again on Harleys. They go off the beaten track and meet a whole host of characters while getting a feel for an America that most of us don't get to see. Tom has a very easy going manner and this is reflected in the writing and the ease which Tom and Roz make friends. Also, I raise my hat to Roz who undertook the journey after only one day's motorbike experience.

Jupiter's Travels by Ted Simon

I must have bought this book about 6 times as I keep giving this book away for people to read or I lose it. But I love this book and realise I need to order it again. In the 1970s Ted Simon undertook a journey through 54 countries, travelling a whopping 63,000 miles. His journey takes him through Africa, North and South America, Australia and India amongst many. His style is humble and along the way he learns just as much about himself as he does about the people he meets.

Lois on the Loose by Lois Pryce

Lois Pryce decides to jack in her dull job at the BBC and travel from the northernmost tip of Alaska to the Southern most tip of South America. What follows is a humorous account of her adventures. But most of all I just admire that she has the balls to do this. Lois has gone on to write 2 further bike related travel biographies, but start with this one first.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig

Do you ever have one of those dreams that is so beautiful, but when you wake the next morning cannot remember a thing about it? This book is a little like that. Robert Pirsig and his son, Chris, take a month long journey from Minnesota to California, but this book is so much more than just a motorbike journey as it explores relationships, life, motorbikes and enlightenment. It also has probably one of the most beautifully written opening pages of any book. Reading this is like trying to catch a whisper. Beautiful.

I hope that's given you a few ideas, please do let me know of other Motorbike travel books that you are loving at the moment. I'm always on the hunt for new books to read! Have a good day lovelies. x